Evaluation of Energy Technologies | 2020 | TECHNOLOGY 2020 | Hybrid Cars, Trucks, and Buses TECHNOLOGY

Evaluation of Energy Technologies | 2020 | TECHNOLOGY 2020 | Hybrid Cars, Trucks, and Buses TECHNOLOGY 
Evaluation of Energy Technologies | 2020 | TECHNOLOGY 2020 | Hybrid Cars, Trucks, and Buses TECHNOLOGY

Evaluation of Energy Technologies | 2020 | TECHNOLOGY 2020 | Hybrid Cars, Trucks, and Buses TECHNOLOGY
The author of this web page, Kent R. Rieske, has a Bachelor of Science degree and is a registered Mechanical Engineer. He is also the president of Professional Designers & Engineers, Inc., with extensive experience in the evaluation of electrical power generating technologies. He worked under contract with a large electrical power generating utility preparing studies to analyze and evaluate all electrical power generating technologies. He also has extensive experience in the design of engines and power transmission systems for cars, trucks, and other vehicles.
The comments below are based on scientific facts in contrast to most published information from sources that have a bias or agenda. Data from equipment manufacturers, fuel or energy production companies, environmentalists, and politicians should be read with extreme suspicion because of their bias and self interest. Researchers are not a reliable source of information. Researchers will hype any nutty energy concept as "hopeful" in order to obtain a government grant. These wild ideas should not be funded by tax money.

Russia's President Putin asked for a recalculation of Russia's energy balance with more emphasis placed on coal and atomic energy. This is the right approach. Russia will benefit greatly by this wise decision. Meanwhile, in the United States, the government, politicians, universities, and the major media are wrongly pushing ahead with "alternate" fuel sources. The wise approach to be taken by Russia is the reverse, going back to the most economical and most abundant energy sources. One has to respect a national leader with a brain. Congratulations, President Putin.
The United States does not have an energy shortage. We have a brain shortage. We have vast coal reserves and unlimited nuclear energy resources. Russia's President Putin has a brain. Our government officials and elected politicians prefer to coddle the votes of brain-dead environmental wackos instead of keeping energy plentiful and costs low by emphasizing nuclear and coal power generation.
Energy inflation will soar in or about 2020 as the failed energy programs of President Obama are revealed. This will cause another worldwide recession lasting years. Obama should promote massive building programs in safe nuclear electric generating stations, but he won't. Nuclear plants should have a "Master Run" switch controlled by the National Nuclear Agency that cannot be overridden by plant operators or management. Fifty (50) nuclear power plants of 1000 MWe each should be the initial construction program with plans for doubling the size of each. Obama may build one as a "test unit," but probably not.
Nuclear electrical power would allow Obama and future presidents to shut down all oil-fired power plants, but they won't. Fuel oil deliveries to homes should be curtained as the nuclear electrical power comes on line, but Obama will kiss up to OPEC instead. He should promote coal liquification programs for producing gasoline and diesel fuels from coal, but he won't. Wind fans and solar panels will be the heart of Obama's energy program, but they simply won't do the job. The wind stops and the sun goes down, you know. DUH! He should be promoting electric cars for commuters that will recharge from the cheap nuclear electricity, but he won't.
The United States has massive energy resources of coal, natural gas, and nuclear that can be used immediately to reduce our dependence on imported crude oil, but Obama will ignore all of these proven and available resources even though the Earth will enter a severe cooling period.


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